Leif Harald Karlsen

Welcome to my personal website. I am a senior lecturer at University of Oslo at the Department for Informatics.

My interests are in databases, logic, spatial data and declarative programming.


I teach courses on databases, data modelling, data integration, semantic technologies and reasoning.

I currently teach the following two courses:


My main research interests lie in databases and knowledge representation, but I am also interested in functional and delcarative programming, as well as spatial and temporal data.

The main research project I am currently involved in is OTTR – Reasonable Ontology Templates.

For list of publications, see My page at UiO or my Google Scholar page.


The two programs Lore and TripleLore are extensions to SQL and allow Datalog-like rules (Lore) and RDF and ontologies (TripleLore) to be naturally represented in a relational database. These programs are used in the course IN5800.

See also my repositories at: