Solution to Exercises on Saturation
Exercise 1: Who Did It?
Clue 1: From this, we cannot deduce more than that
the two thieves are listed somewhere in the
Clue 2: To use this clue, we first need to find the
initials to all citizens. This can be done by simply replacing all
lower-case and space characters in the name
s of citizens
with nothing, that is
regexp_replace(name, '[a-z\s]+', '', 'g')
. To make it easy
to use this information later on, we will make a new VIEW
containing all information about each citizen together with the initials
column as follows:
CREATE VIEW citizen_i(cid, urb_id, name, initials, apartment_number, apartment_building, works_at) AS
SELECT cid, urb_id, name,
regexp_replace(name, '[a-z\s]+', '', 'g') AS initials,
apartment_number, apartment_building, works_atFROM urbania.citizen;
We now know that one of the theives are amongst the following:
FROM citizen_i
WHERE initials = 'DW' OR initials = 'YS';
Clue 3: To use the information in this clue, we need
to know the size ('large'
or 'small'
) for each
building. This is only a matter of grouping and aggregating
CREATE VIEW citizen_ibs(cid, urb_id, name, initials, apartment_number, apartment_building, works_at, size) AS
AS ( -- Each occurence of building ID is one worker or inhabitant
building_occurences(building) SELECT apartment_building
FROM urbania.citizen
SELECT offices_in
FROM urbania.organization AS o
JOIN urbania.citizen AS c ON (o.oid = c.works_at)
WHERE offices_in IS NOT NULL
),AS (
bcount SELECT building, count(*) AS nr
FROM building_occurences
GROUP BY building
)SELECT ci.*, -- All columns from citizen_i
END AS size
FROM bcount AS bs
JOIN citizen_i AS ci ON (bs.building = ci.apartment_building);
We can now find out who the initials on the score-card belongs to, by combining the information that they are living together in a small building, and has initials on the score card, as follows:
SELECT AS suspect1, AS suspect2
FROM citizen_ibs AS c1 -- The two
JOIN citizen_ibs AS c2 USING (apartment_number, apartment_building)
WHERE c1.initials = 'DW' AND
= 'YS' AND
c2.initials size = 'small'; c1.
giving the result:
suspect1 | suspect2
Derek Winter | Yali Stad
(1 row)
One of these is thus one of the two thieves. We still need to determine which of these it is, and who the other thief is.
Clue 4: To find out who is in family (i.e. have the
same surename), we need to extract the surename. This can be done with a
simple splitting of the name on space, and then picking the second
element as follows (regexp_split_to_array(name, ' '))[2]
We then make a VIEW
containing all pairs of citizen’s IDs
if they have the same surename via a simple self-join as follows:
CREATE VIEW in_family_with(cid1, cid2) AS
AS (
surenames SELECT cid, (regexp_split_to_array(name, ' '))[2] AS surename
FROM urbania.citizen
)SELECT s1.cid, s2.cid
FROM surenames AS s1
JOIN surenames AS s2 USING (surename)
WHERE s1.cid != s2.cid;
We can now combine all of the information from the clues into one (large) query, to obtain who the two thieves are, as follows:
AS ( -- Pair found after clue 3
suspect_pair SELECT c1.cid AS s1_cid, AS s1_name, c1.works_at AS s1_works_at,
AS s2_cid, AS s2_name, c2.works_at AS s2_works_at
c2.cid FROM citizen_ibs AS c1
JOIN citizen_ibs AS c2 USING (apartment_number, apartment_building)
where c1.initials = 'DW' AND
= 'YS' AND
c2.initials size = 'small'
)SELECT sp.s1_name AS thief1, AS thief2
FROM suspect_pair AS sp
JOIN in_family_with AS ifw ON (sp.s1_cid = ifw.cid1)
JOIN citizen_ibs AS c3 ON (ifw.cid2 = c3.cid AND sp.s1_works_at = c3.works_at)
WHERE c3.size = 'large'
SELECT sp.s2_name AS thief1, AS thief2
FROM suspect_pair AS sp
JOIN in_family_with AS ifw ON (sp.s2_cid = ifw.cid1)
JOIN citizen_ibs AS c3 ON (ifw.cid2 = c3.cid AND sp.s2_works_at = c3.works_at)
WHERE c3.size = 'large';
giving as result the two thieves:
thief1 | thief2
Derek Winter | Che Winter
(1 row)
Note that we do not know which of the two persons we found at the end
of last clue is the thief, therefore we make a UNION
of two
queries that each assumes it is one of them. Luckily, one one of them
have a coworker that is also a family member that lives in a large
building :)
Exercise 2: Finding the Scroll
We start by extracting the streetname and numbers into seperate
columns in the suburbia.home
table as follows:
ALTER TABLE suburbia.home ADD COLUMN streetname text;
ALTER TABLE suburbia.home ADD COLUMN streetnumber int;
UPDATE suburbia.home
SET streetname = btrim(regexp_replace(home_address, '\d+', '')),
= btrim(regexp_replace(home_address, '[A-Za-z\s]+', ''))::int; streetnumber
Here we get the streetname by removing all numbers
) from the address as well as all whitespace in the
beginning and end. We get the streetnumber by removing all whitespace
and letters.
We then directly map this into the triplestore just like in the oblig.
The Lore-relations and rules in
are as follows:
-- Make relations for the raws:homeof-property
CREATE RELATION raws.homeof(subject text, object text);
'raws.homeof', qn('xsd', 'string'));
-- Make the ex-prefix
'exd', '');
-- Make relations for the directional relationships
CREATE RELATION exd.northof(subject text, object text);
CREATE RELATION exd.southof(subject text, object text);
CREATE RELATION exd.eastof(subject text, object text);
CREATE RELATION exd.westof(subject text, object text);
CREATE RELATION exd.northeastof(subject text, object text);
CREATE RELATION exd.northwestof(subject text, object text);
CREATE RELATION exd.southeastof(subject text, object text);
CREATE RELATION exd.southwestof(subject text, object text);
-- Sparqlify mappings
'exd.northof', NULL);
triplelore_property('exd.southof', NULL);
triplelore_property('exd.westof', NULL);
triplelore_property('exd.eastof', NULL);
triplelore_property('exd.northeastof', NULL);
triplelore_property('exd.northwestof', NULL);
triplelore_property('exd.southeastof', NULL);
triplelore_property('exd.southwestof', NULL);
-- Extract the street name and number and homeof-relation
raws.citizen_ref_home(c, h), raws.citizen_urb_id(c, u)-> raws.homeof(h, u);
-- Directional rules for inferring the directional relations
< n2
raws.home_streetnumber(h1, n1), raws.home_streetnumber(h2, n2) : n1 -> exd.westof(h1, h2);
< z2
raws.home_zip_code(h1, z1), raws.home_zip_code(h2, z2) : z1 -> exd.northof(h1, h2);
raws.home_streetname(h1, n1), raws.home_zip_code(h1, z),< n2
raws.home_streetname(h2, n2), raws.home_zip_code(h2, z) : n1 -> exd.northof(h1, h2);
-> exd.westof(x, z);
exd.westof(x, y), exd.westof(y, z) -> exd.northof(x, z);
exd.northof(x, y), exd.northof(y, z)
-> exd.eastof(y, x);
exd.westof(x, y) -> exd.southof(y, x);
exd.northof(x, y)
-> exd.northeastof(x, y);
exd.northof(x, y), exd.eastof(x, y) -> exd.southeastof(x, y);
exd.southof(x, y), exd.eastof(x, y) -> exd.northwestof(x, y);
exd.northof(x, y), exd.westof(x, y) -> exd.southwestof(x, y); exd.southof(x, y), exd.westof(x, y)
This can either be executed directly with Lore, or add a rule to your
$(lore) semantics/directions.lore
and run make directions
The query in queries/find_address.sparql
PREFIX exd: <>
PREFIX raws:
SELECT ?address
:southof [ raws:homeof "s147" ] ;
?bang exd:westof [ raws:homeof "s101" ] ;
exd:northwestof [ raws:homeof "s16" ] ;
exd:northof [ raws:homeof "s309" ] ;
exd:northeastof [ raws:homeof "s77" ] ;
exd:southeastof [ raws:homeof "s252" ] ;
exd:eastof [ raws:homeof "s58" ] .
exd:home_home_address ?address .
?bang raws }
Giving the result:
Bird alley 7
Looking more closely at the data, we see that this is in fact the
address of Jan Winter
, related to the other two
Bonus Exercise: Translate the Scroll (Difficult!)
The scroll is actually written using the “Rövarspråket”
that replaces each consonant with the consonant followed by an ‘o’
followed by the consonant again. E.g. urb
So doing the translation manually gives the following text:
the treasure is burried
under the sea bottom 100
meters south of the
docks in the city of urb
However, the more tricky part is automating this translation with
SQL. The idea is to first make a table matching each consonant to its
translation, i.e. b
to bob
, c
, etc. This can be done with the following query:
AS (
cons(c) VALUES ('b'), ('c'), ('d'), ('f'),
'g'), ('h'), ('j'), ('k'),
('l'), ('m'), ('n'), ('p'),
('q'), ('r'), ('s'), ('t'),
('v'), ('w'), ('x'), ('z')
)SELECT (row_number() OVER ())::int AS nr, c || 'o' || c AS from_c, c as to_c
FROM cons;
resulting in the following result:
nr | from_c | to_c
1 | bob | b
2 | coc | c
3 | dod | d
4 | fof | f
5 | gog | g
6 | hoh | h
7 | joj | j
8 | kok | k
9 | lol | l
10 | mom | m
11 | non | n
12 | pop | p
13 | qoq | q
14 | ror | r
15 | sos | s
16 | tot | t
17 | vov | v
18 | wow | w
19 | xox | x
20 | zoz | z
Then, we iterate over the string replacing each bob
, then each coc
with c
, and so
on. A single replacement can simply be done with
regexp_replace(s, from_c, to_c, 'g')
. To make all
replacements, we need to iterate over the result of the previous result.
This can be done using recursive queries as follows:
AS (
cons(c) VALUES ('b'), ('c'), ('d'), ('f'),
'g'), ('h'), ('j'), ('k'),
('l'), ('m'), ('n'), ('p'),
('q'), ('r'), ('s'), ('t'),
('v'), ('w'), ('x'), ('z')
),AS (
tcons SELECT (row_number() OVER ())::int AS nr, c || 'o' || c AS from_c, c as to_c FROM cons
),AS (
trans(nr, s) SELECT 1 AS nr,
'tothohe totroreasosurore isos boburorroriedod unondoderor tothohe sosea bobotottotomom 100 mometoterorsos sosoutothoh ofof tothohe dodocockoksos inon tothohe cocitoty ofof urorbob' AS s
SELECT nr+1, regexp_replace(s, from_c, to_c, 'g') AS s
FROM trans JOIN tcons USING (nr)
FROM trans
Note that we number each line according to how many iterations we
have, i.e. how many letters we have replaced/translated. We can then
finally order by this number, and pick the largest giving the final
result. Without the LIMIT 1
, the result would be:
the treasure is burried under the sea bottom 100 meters south of the docks in the city of urb
the treasure is burried under the sea bottom 100 meters south of the docks in the city of urb
the treasure is burried under the sea bottom 100 meters south of the docks in the city of urb
the treasure is burried under the sea bottom 100 meters south of the docks in the city of urb
the treasure is burried under the sea bottom 100 meters south of the docks in the city of urb
tothe totreasure is burried under tothe sea botottotom 100 metoters soutoth of tothe docks in tothe citoty of urb
tothe totreasosure isos burried under tothe sosea botottotom 100 metotersos sosoutoth of tothe docksos in tothe citoty of urb
tothe totroreasosurore isos burorroried underor tothe sosea botottotom 100 metoterorsos sosoutoth of tothe docksos in tothe citoty of urorb
tothe totroreasosurore isos burorroried underor tothe sosea botottotom 100 metoterorsos sosoutoth of tothe docksos in tothe citoty of urorb
tothe totroreasosurore isos burorroried underor tothe sosea botottotom 100 metoterorsos sosoutoth of tothe docksos in tothe citoty of urorb
tothe totroreasosurore isos burorroried unonderor tothe sosea botottotom 100 metoterorsos sosoutoth of tothe docksos inon tothe citoty of urorb
tothe totroreasosurore isos burorroried unonderor tothe sosea botottotomom 100 mometoterorsos sosoutoth of tothe docksos inon tothe citoty of urorb
tothe totroreasosurore isos burorroried unonderor tothe sosea botottotomom 100 mometoterorsos sosoutoth of tothe docksos inon tothe citoty of urorb
tothe totroreasosurore isos burorroried unonderor tothe sosea botottotomom 100 mometoterorsos sosoutoth of tothe dockoksos inon tothe citoty of urorb
tothe totroreasosurore isos burorroried unonderor tothe sosea botottotomom 100 mometoterorsos sosoutoth of tothe dockoksos inon tothe citoty of urorb
tothohe totroreasosurore isos burorroried unonderor tothohe sosea botottotomom 100 mometoterorsos sosoutothoh of tothohe dockoksos inon tothohe citoty of urorb
tothohe totroreasosurore isos burorroried unonderor tothohe sosea botottotomom 100 mometoterorsos sosoutothoh of tothohe dockoksos inon tothohe citoty of urorb
tothohe totroreasosurore isos burorroried unonderor tothohe sosea botottotomom 100 mometoterorsos sosoutothoh ofof tothohe dockoksos inon tothohe citoty ofof urorb
tothohe totroreasosurore isos burorroriedod unondoderor tothohe sosea botottotomom 100 mometoterorsos sosoutothoh ofof tothohe dodockoksos inon tothohe citoty ofof urorb
tothohe totroreasosurore isos burorroriedod unondoderor tothohe sosea botottotomom 100 mometoterorsos sosoutothoh ofof tothohe dodocockoksos inon tothohe cocitoty ofof urorb
tothohe totroreasosurore isos boburorroriedod unondoderor tothohe sosea bobotottotomom 100 mometoterorsos sosoutothoh ofof tothohe dodocockoksos inon tothohe cocitoty ofof urorbob
(21 rows)