Lecture 7: Mappings
In this lecture, we will look at mapping languages, how they can be used for mapping languages from one format into another format and what one needs to think about when making mappings.
Relevant Wiki-pages
- R2RML/Ontop
- Lore
- Triplelore (Direct Mappings section)
1. Direct mappings
Given the following tables:
id | name
1 | Kari
2 | Peter
pid | name | price
1 | Milk | 0.8
2 | Apple | 2.1
3 | Laptop | 120.9
customer | product
1 | 2
1 | 3
2 | 2
where id
is the primary key for
, pid
is the primary key for
, store.orders(customer)
references store.customer(id)
For primary keys with more than one column (such as
), simply introduce a blank node in place of an
Write down the RDF graph resulting from using the direct mapping technique on the above tables.
2. Direct mappings with Triplelore
Here you can download the
Lore-script making the database in the previous exercise. Use
Triplelore, as described in the lecture, to add direct mappings to RDF
of the relations. Remember to also add primary and foreign keys to the
corresponding mappings
Use the base-IRI <http://example.org/>
with prefix
3. R2RML and Ontop
Make R2RML or Ontop-mappings that map the database from the previous exercises to RDF, such that the result is the following RDF-graph:
(Note: For R2RML when mapping store.orders
, you
will need to repeat the IRI-template for the customer.)
@prefix store: <http://mystore.com/> .
@prefix store-o: <http://mystore.com/ont/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
store:product1 rdf:type store-o:Product ;
rdfs:label "Milk" ;
store-o:price 0.8 .
store:product2 rdf:type store-o:Product ;
rdfs:label "Apple" ;
store-o:price 2.1 .
store:product3 rdf:type store-o:Product ;
rdfs:label "Laptop" ;
store-o:price 120.9 .
store:customer1 rdf:type store-o:Customer ;
rdfs:label "Kari" ;
store-o:orders store:product2, store:product3 .
store:customer2 rdf:type store-o:Customer ;
rdfs:label "Peter" ;
store-o:orders store:product2 .
More exercises on bOTTR and tabOTTR
There are lots of exercises in the OTTR primer (pOTTR), (used last week as well) on mappings.
The relevant parts for this week are the following:
The solution to the non-OTTR exercises is available here.