Introduction to Thesis Writing

Leif Harald Karlsen


What is a Master’s Thesis (1)

What is a Master’s Thesis (2)

  • Contributes something new to a field
  • For example:
    • A new algorithm
    • New experimental results or new insights
    • New applications/implementations of existing theory/algorithms
    • A survey of results
    • Etc.

Two variants

Long thesis (60 credits)

Short thesis (30 credits)

Your topic

  • Can often be tailored to your interests

  • You will work on it for a long time, make sure it is something you find interesting!

  • So:

    Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life.

  • Alternatively:

    If you can’t choose what you love, learn to love what you choose.


… and Failure

Your supervisor

The essay (only for long thesis)

  • Typical deadline: 1. June 2024
  • Topic decided by you and your supervisor
  • Gets you started with writing
  • Helps you get an overview
  • Text often reused in the final thesis
  • Typically 10-15 pages
  • Gets approved by your supervisor
  • 1-2 cycles of feedback and revision before submission
  • Tip: Use the essay to get comfortable with the field, tools, supervision, etc.

Thesis: Structure and content

Varies from thesis to thesis, but generally:

- Introduction
- Background, theory, methodology
- Presentation of the work
- Analysis and discussion
- Conclusion and suggestions for future work
- Appendix


Writing thesis with a company

Things to note:

  • Ownership of ideas, source code, etc. should be cleared in advance
  • The boundaries between thesis work and free labour is difficult
  • Think through ethical issues in advance
  • Discuss issues as soon as they come up with your (internal) supervisor

Writing – Making sense to yourself

Writing – Making sense to others

  • Your reader cannot look inside your head
  • Write complete proper sentences, also for your supervisor
  • Use spellcheckers
    • Can use aspell for LaTeX or similar (e.g. aspell -c thesis.tex)
  • Guide the reader through your text
    • Refresh their memory, sum up, use internal references in your text, etc.
    • Make proper bridges between sections (“Now we have seen… We will now look at…”)

  • Signposting
    • “I am aware of X, but this is outside the scope of this thesis”
    • “I am aware of problem Y, and I will get back to this in section Z.”


Writing style

Important principles of thesis writing

  • Never copy-paste work from others!
  • However, you can quote others, assuming proper referencing
  • Make sure you do proper referencing
  • Try to find original source
  • References used for:
    • giving credits (quotes, images, etc.)
    • supporting claims
    • making a web of science (related work, more info on topic, etc.)
  • Ask your supervisor when in doubt
  • Note: Not allowed to use content generated by ChatGPT (or similar tool) as if it is made by you



Deadlines (2)

Deadlines (3)


For my PhD I made the following point system:

  • Wrote down all remaining TODOs
  • Gave each TODO a score of 1, 3, 7 or 7n points
  • Each day needed to do 7 points worth of TODOs
  • Awarded myself 1 point for splitting a large TODO into smaller TODOs
  • Points assigned such that TODOs done well before deadline
(1) Fix missing citation in section 3.1
(1) Move definition of "graph" from section 4.1 to 3.9
(3) Define the term "natural graph" in section 4.2
(3) Fix fig. 2.6 to reflect changes in surrounding text
(7) Write section 4.3

Expect a crisis (or several)

  • Utilize student community (“rubber duck”, discuss, reading groups, etc.)
  • In general: Seek critique of your work, ideas and writing!

Failing/struggling is part of the learning process!

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