PostGIS is an extension to the PostgreSQL database that allows geospatial data in 2 or 3 dimensions to be stored, indexed and queried.
Geospatial data is typically geometrical or geographical data, often
stored as WKT (Well Known Text). For example, a point can be represented
as POINT(1.2 5.3)
, a linestring can be represented as
LINESTRING(1.2 5.3, 1.4 6.2, 3.1 4.5)
, and so on.
Assuming such data is stored in a column with type
, one can use geometrical relations and functions
within SQL-queries. For example, if we have a table
Places(id int, name text, geom geometry)
, we can find the
name of all objects contained in the object with name
as follows:
FROM Places AS p, Places as nor
WHERE = 'Norway' AND
st_contains(nor.geom, p.geom);
Geometrical functions and relations are normally prefixed with
In IN5800 we will use PostGIS for datasets containing spatial data. The PostgreSQL databases set up for this course at IFI all have the PostGIS extension.
Guides and tutorials
- PostGIS Documentation
- Why
should you care about PostGIS? — A gentle introduction to spatial
- Aimed at people who knows geospatial data, but still really informative for others