IN5800 – OTTR Templates

Leif Harald Karlsen

Motivating Example

Let’s represent some data about our Solar System!

The Problems with RDF/RDFS/OWL

  • Repetitious (same pattern repeated over and over)
    • Lack of explicit structure/schema
  • Error-prone (typos, forgetting something, using wrong property, etc.)
    • Adherence to an implicit structure/schema up to the user
  • Difficult to change (rename, change modelling, fix errors done, etc.)
  • Difficult to scale (make large datasets and ontologies, involve many people)
  • Difficult to involve domain experts

Tools to help: Data input

  • Mapping tools (more on this next week)
    • Easier to scale by mapping large datasets into RDF
    • Easier to change (change mappings)
    • Single layer of abstraction (no reuse of patterns between mappings)
  • Programs generating data based on user input
    • Less prone to error (data representation encoded once in the program)
    • Easy to change, but only for future data input
    • Structure of data now locked into program
  • Data might come from different sources (multiple programs, files, logs, reports, etc.)
    • Need to make sure data is constructed consistently accross all these

Tools to help: Ontology input

General problems

Assembly analogy

Assembly/Java bytecode:

0:   iconst_2
1:   istore_1
2:   iload_1
3:   sipush  1000
6:   if_icmpge       44
9:   iconst_2
10:  istore_2
11:  iload_2
12:  iload_1
13:  if_icmpge       31
16:  iload_1
17:  iload_2
18:  irem
19:  ifne    25
22:  goto    38
25:  iinc    2, 1
28:  goto    11
31:  getstatic       #84;
34:  iload_1
35:  invokevirtual   #85;
38:  iinc    1, 1
41:  goto    2
44:  return


for (int i = 2; i < 1000; i++) {
    for (int j = 2; j < i; j++) {
        if (i % j == 0)
            continue outer;
    System.out.println (i);


exo:Planet  rdf:type     owl:Class ;
        rdfs:label       "Class of planets" ;
        rdfs:subClassOf  exo:AstronomicalObject .

exo:orbitsPlanet  rdf:type  owl:ObjectProperty ;
        rdfs:domain  exo:Moon ;
        rdfs:range   exo:Planet .

exd:earth  rdf:type       exo:Planet ;
        rdfs:label        "The Earth" ;
        exo:hasSattelite  exd:moon ;
        exo:orbitingStar  exd:sun .

exd:moon  rdf:type          exo:Moon ;
        rdfs:label          "The Moon" ;
        exo:orbitingPlanet  exd:earth .

exd:venus  rdf:type       exo:Planet ;
        rdfs:label        "Venus" ;
        exo:orbitingStar  exd:sun .




  • OTTR (Reasonable Ontology Templates) is a framework aimed at fixing these problems
  • Introduces abstractions
  • OTTR provides a mechanism for capturing patterns with variables
  • A template is just a (named) pattern with variables
  • Patterns can be instantiated with varying values
  • Templates can be defined using other templates

Example: Patterns

exd:earth rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Earth" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:sun .
exd:mars rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Mars" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:sun .

exd:planet-b rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Proxima b" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:proxima .

Example: Patterns

exd:earth rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Earth" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:sun .
exd:mars rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Mars" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:sun .

exd:planet-b rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Proxima b" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:proxima .

  ?planet rdf:type exo:Planet ;
    rdfs:label ?name ;
    exo:orbitsStar ?sun .

Example: Templates

exd:earth rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Earth" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:sun .
exd:mars rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Mars" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:sun .

exd:planet-b rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Proxima b" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:proxima .
ast:Planet[ ?planet, ?name, ?sun ] :: {

  ?planet rdf:type exo:Planet ;
    rdfs:label ?name ;
    exo:orbitsStar ?sun .

} .

Example: Triples

exd:earth rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Earth" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:sun .
exd:mars rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Mars" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:sun .

exd:planet-b rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Proxima b" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:proxima .
ast:Planet[ ?planet, ?name, ?sun ] :: {

  ottr:Triple(?planet, rdf:type, exo:Planet),
  ottr:Triple(?planet, rdfs:label, ?name),
  ottr:Triple(?planet, exo:orbitsStar, ?sun)

} .

Example: Instances

exd:earth rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Earth" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:sun .
exd:mars rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Mars" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:sun .

exd:planet-b rdf:type exo:Planet ;
  rdfs:label "Proxima b" ;
  exo:orbitsStar ex:proxima .
ast:Planet[ ?planet, ?name, ?sun ] :: {

  ottr:Triple(?planet, rdf:type, exo:Planet),
  ottr:Triple(?planet, rdfs:label, ?name),
  ottr:Triple(?planet, exo:orbitsStar, ?sun)

} .
ast:Planet(exd:earth, "Earth", exd:sun) .
ast:Planet(exd:mars, "Mars", exd:sun) .
ast:Planet(exd:planet-b, "Proxima b", exd:proxima) .

Example: Abstraction layers

ast:Planet[ ?planet, ?name, ?sun ] :: {

  ottr:Triple(?planet, rdf:type, exo:Planet),
  ottr:Triple(?planet, rdfs:label, ?name),
  ottr:Triple(?planet, exo:orbitsStar, ?sun)

} .
o-rdf:Type[ ?object, ?class ] :: {
  ottr:Triple(?object, rdf:type, ?class)
} .

o-rdfs:Label[ ?object, ?label ] :: {
  ottr:Triple(?object, rdfs:label, ?label)
} .

ast:Planet[ ?planet, ?name, ?sun ] :: {

  o-rdf:Type(?planet, exo:Planet),
  o-rdfs:Label(?planet, ?name),
  ottr:Triple(?planet, exo:orbitsStar, ?sun)

} .
ast:Planet(exd:earth, "Earth", exd:sun) .
ast:Planet(exd:mars, "Mars", exd:sun) .
ast:Planet(exd:planet-b, "Proxima b", exd:proxima) .

Other OTTR Features

  • Types
    • ast:Planet[ ottr:IRI ?planet, xsd:string ?name, ottr:IRI ?sun ] :: {...}
  • Optional values and none
    • ? xsd:string ?name
  • Default values
    • ottr:IRI ?sun=exd:sun
  • Lists and expansion modes
    • List<xsd:string> ?names
    • cross | o-rdfs:Label(?planet, ++?names)
  • Different syntaxes/serializations
    • stOTTR (human readable, used in this lecture)
    • wOTTR (RDF syntax, for publishing templates online)
    • tabOTTR (tabular/Excel for instances) (more next week)
    • bOTTR (mappings for making instances) (more next week)
  • Template libraries (see e.g. our Standard Library)


Lutra is an open source Java CLI-tool that supports:

Download here

Example: Astronomy, improved

java -jar lutra.jar \
    -m expand \
    -I stottr \
    -L stottr \
    -O wottr \
    -f \
    -l astronomy.stottr
    -o astronomy-expanded.ttl

Properties of templates